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Contract: zrSignTransfer

The zrSignTransfer contract, with the assistance of the zrSignConnect helper contract, extends the functionality provided by the zrSign contract to facilitate the transfer of assets in a secure and controlled manner. In this case, we are simulating a transfer of ETH between two addresses on Sepolia. This contract maintains an internal nonce to ensure transaction ordering, and it emits an event whenever funds are deposited into the contract. zrSignTransfer allows users to prepare and sign transactions using a simplified interface, which then leverages the signing functionality of zrSignConnect to ensure secure, accountable operations.

Below you can find three implementations:

In Version 1 of submitTransaction, the nonce is managed internally, automatically incrementing it after each transaction. This simplifies the user's interaction with the contract as it abstracts away the need to manage nonce, gas price, and gas limit. However, in Version 2 and Version 3, the caller must provide the nonce value explicitly. These versions offer more flexibility, allowing the caller to specify nonce, gas price, and gas limit, which can be crucial in scenarios requiring fine-grained control over transaction parameters.


submitTransaction (version 1)

This version of the submitTransaction function accepts four parameters: _fromKeyIndex, _to, _value, and _data. It prepares these parameters and passes them to the requestSignatureForTransaction function in the zrSignConnect contract. The function then increments the internal _nonce variable by one after each transaction submission, ensuring a unique order of transactions.

function submitTransaction(
uint256 _fromKeyIndex,
address _to,
uint _value,
bytes memory _data
) public {
bytes memory data = rlpEncodeData(_data);
bytes memory rlpTransactionData = rlpEncodeTransaction(_nonce, _gasPrice, _gasLimit, _to, _value, data);
requestSignatureForTransaction(EVMWalletType, _fromKeyIndex, mumbaiChainId, rlpTransactionData, true);

submitTransaction (version 2)

The second variant of submitTransaction accepts additional parameters: gasPrice, gasLimit, and nonce. These parameters provide more control over the transaction process, as they allow the sender to specify custom values for the gas price, gas limit, and nonce, respectively. After preparing the transaction, the function submits it for signature and increments the _nonce variable.

function submitTransaction(
uint256 fromKeyIndex,
address to,
uint256 value,
uint256 gasPrice,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 nonce,
bytes memory data
) public {
bytes memory rlpPayloadData = rlpEncodeData(data);
bytes memory rlpTransactionData = rlpEncodeTransaction(nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, rlpPayloadData);
requestSignatureForTransaction(EVMWalletType, fromKeyIndex, mumbaiChainId, rlpTransactionData, true);

submitTransaction (version 3)

The third variant of submitTransaction includes an additional parameter broadcast. This flag, if true, indicates that the transaction should be broadcasted immediately after it is signed. This offers greater flexibility, as it allows the sender to decide whether they want to broadcast the transaction immediately or wait for a later time.

function submitTransaction(
uint256 fromKeyIndex,
address to,
uint256 value,
uint256 gasPrice,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 nonce,
bytes memory data,
bool broadcast
) public {
bytes memory rlpPayloadData = rlpEncodeData(data);
bytes memory rlpTransactionData = rlpEncodeTransaction(nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, rlpPayloadData);
requestSignatureForTransaction(EVMWalletType, fromKeyIndex, mumbaiChainId, rlpTransactionData, broadcast);

Steps to Use zrSignTransfer Contract

  1. Initialize the Contract

    • Deposit a minimum of 1000 wei by sending the amount as msg.value.
    • Connect with your MetaMask (MM) wallet by selecting your Environment Injected Provider Metamask.
    • Select the zrSignTransfer contract to deploy to Sepolia (or any other supported source chain).
    • After the contract deployment, deposit a minimum of 1000 Wei to the smart contract.
    • Adjust the zrSign Fee if necessary (default is 100 wei).
  2. Request an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Wallet

    • Click on 'requestNewEVMWallet' and sign the transaction. Note: you can request multiple wallets.
  3. Wait for the Public Key

    • Wait while the multi-party computation (MPC) derives the public key for the EVM wallet.
    • Click on 'getEVMWallets' to get your new public wallet address deployed on Mumbai.
  4. Fund the Wallet

    • Fund the wallet with 0.2 Matic on Mumbai.
  5. Use the EVM Wallet

    • After successful funding, the EVM wallet is ready for use. Start using the submitTransaction function.
    • For a simple transfer to your MM wallet address on Mumbai (must be submitted on Sepolia):
      • Click on submitTransaction and fill in the fields:
        • _fromKeyIndex: "0"
        • _to: "your MM wallet address"
        • _value: "150000000000000000" Wei (0.15 Matic)
        • _data: "0x"

Full code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

library SignTypes {
struct ZrKeyReqParams {
bytes32 walletTypeId;

struct ZrKeyResParams {
bytes32 walletTypeId;
address owner;
uint256 walletIndex;
string publicKey;
bytes authSignature;

struct ZrSignParams {
bytes32 walletTypeId;
uint256 walletIndex;
bytes32 dstChainId;
bytes payload; // For `zrSignHash`, this would be the hash converted to bytes
bool broadcast; // Relevant for `zrSignTx`, must be ignored for others

struct SigReqParams {
bytes32 walletTypeId;
uint256 walletIndex;
bytes32 dstChainId;
bytes payload;
address owner;
uint8 isHashDataTx;
bool broadcast;

struct SignResParams {
uint256 traceId;
bytes signature;
bool broadcast;
bytes authSignature;

library Lib_RLPWriter {
* Internal Functions *

* RLP encodes a byte string.
* @param _in The byte string to encode.
* @return The RLP encoded string in bytes.
function writeBytes(bytes memory _in) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory encoded;

if (_in.length == 1 && uint8(_in[0]) < 128) {
encoded = _in;
} else {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(_writeLength(_in.length, 128), _in);

return encoded;

* RLP encodes a list of RLP encoded byte byte strings.
* @param _in The list of RLP encoded byte strings.
* @return The RLP encoded list of items in bytes.
function writeList(bytes[] memory _in)
returns (bytes memory)
bytes memory list = _flatten(_in);
return abi.encodePacked(_writeLength(list.length, 192), list);

* RLP encodes a string.
* @param _in The string to encode.
* @return The RLP encoded string in bytes.
function writeString(string memory _in)
returns (bytes memory)
return writeBytes(bytes(_in));

* RLP encodes an address.
* @param _in The address to encode.
* @return The RLP encoded address in bytes.
function writeAddress(address _in) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
return writeBytes(abi.encodePacked(_in));

* RLP encodes a uint.
* @param _in The uint256 to encode.
* @return The RLP encoded uint256 in bytes.
function writeUint(uint256 _in) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
return writeBytes(_toBinary(_in));

* RLP encodes a bool.
* @param _in The bool to encode.
* @return The RLP encoded bool in bytes.
function writeBool(bool _in) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory encoded = new bytes(1);
encoded[0] = (_in ? bytes1(0x01) : bytes1(0x80));
return encoded;

* Private Functions *

* Encode the first byte, followed by the `len` in binary form if `length` is more than 55.
* @param _len The length of the string or the payload.
* @param _offset 128 if item is string, 192 if item is list.
* @return RLP encoded bytes.
function _writeLength(uint256 _len, uint256 _offset)
returns (bytes memory)
bytes memory encoded;

if (_len < 56) {
encoded = new bytes(1);
encoded[0] = bytes1(uint8(_len) + uint8(_offset));
} else {
uint256 lenLen;
uint256 i = 1;
while (_len / i != 0) {
i *= 256;

encoded = new bytes(lenLen + 1);
encoded[0] = bytes1(uint8(lenLen) + uint8(_offset) + 55);
for (i = 1; i <= lenLen; i++) {
encoded[i] = bytes1(uint8((_len / (256**(lenLen - i))) % 256));

return encoded;

* Encode integer in big endian binary form with no leading zeroes.
* @notice TODO: This should be optimized with assembly to save gas costs.
* @param _x The integer to encode.
* @return RLP encoded bytes.
function _toBinary(uint256 _x) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory b = abi.encodePacked(_x);

uint256 i = 0;
for (; i < 32; i++) {
if (b[i] != 0) {

bytes memory res = new bytes(32 - i);
for (uint256 j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {
res[j] = b[i++];

return res;

* Copies a piece of memory to another location.
* @notice From:
* @param _dest Destination location.
* @param _src Source location.
* @param _len Length of memory to copy.
function _memcpy(
uint256 _dest,
uint256 _src,
uint256 _len
) private pure {
uint256 dest = _dest;
uint256 src = _src;
uint256 len = _len;

for (; len >= 32; len -= 32) {
assembly {
mstore(dest, mload(src))
dest += 32;
src += 32;

uint256 mask;
unchecked {
mask = 256**(32 - len) - 1;
assembly {
let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask))
let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask)
mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart))

* Flattens a list of byte strings into one byte string.
* @notice From:
* @param _list List of byte strings to flatten.
* @return The flattened byte string.
function _flatten(bytes[] memory _list)
returns (bytes memory)
if (_list.length == 0) {
return new bytes(0);

uint256 len;
uint256 i = 0;
for (; i < _list.length; i++) {
len += _list[i].length;

bytes memory flattened = new bytes(len);
uint256 flattenedPtr;
assembly {
flattenedPtr := add(flattened, 0x20)

for (i = 0; i < _list.length; i++) {
bytes memory item = _list[i];

uint256 listPtr;
assembly {
listPtr := add(item, 0x20)

_memcpy(flattenedPtr, listPtr, item.length);
flattenedPtr += _list[i].length;

return flattened;

interface IZrSign {
function zrKeyReq(SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams calldata params)

function zrSignHash(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params)

function zrSignData(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params)

function zrSignTx(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;

function isWalletTypeSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId)
returns (bool);

function isChainIdSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId, bytes32 chainId)
returns (bool);

function getTraceId() external view returns (uint256);

function getBaseFee() external view returns (uint256);

function getNetworkFee() external view returns (uint256);

function getZrKeys(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner)
returns (string[] memory);

function getZrKey(
bytes32 walletTypeId,
address owner,
uint256 index
) external view returns (string memory);

// Abstract contract for zrSIgn connections
abstract contract ZrSignConnect {
// Use the RLPWriter library for various types
using Lib_RLPWriter for address;
using Lib_RLPWriter for uint256;
using Lib_RLPWriter for bytes;
using Lib_RLPWriter for bytes[];

// Address of the ZrSign contract
address internal constant zrSign =
payable(address(0x8F309C9550D0d69C3f9b8d7BCdC7C93B05Cd089e)); // ZrSign Sepolia address

// The wallet type for EVM-based wallets
bytes32 internal constant EVMWalletType =

// Request a new EVM wallet
// This function uses the ZrSign contract to request a new public key for the EVM wallet type
function requestNewEVMWallet() public virtual {
uint256 _fee = IZrSign(zrSign).getBaseFee();
// Prepare the parameters for the key request
SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams({
walletTypeId: EVMWalletType
IZrSign(zrSign).zrKeyReq{value: _fee}(params);

// Request a signature for a specific hash
// This function uses the ZrSign contract to request a signature for a specific hash
// Parameters:
// - walletTypeId: The ID of the wallet type associated with the hash
// - fromAccountIndex: The index of the public key to be used for signing
// - dstChainId: The ID of the destination chain
// - payloadHash: The hash of the payload to be signed
function reqSignForHash(
bytes32 walletTypeId,
uint256 walletIndex,
bytes32 dstChainId,
bytes32 payloadHash
) internal virtual {
uint256 _fee = calculateFeeForSign(abi.encode(payloadHash));
SignTypes.ZrSignParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrSignParams({
walletTypeId: walletTypeId,
walletIndex: walletIndex,
dstChainId: dstChainId,
payload: abi.encodePacked(payloadHash),
broadcast: false // Not used in this context

IZrSign(zrSign).zrSignHash{value: _fee}(params);

// Request a signature for a specific data payload
// This function uses the ZrSign contract to request a signature for a specific data payload
// Parameters:
// - walletTypeId: The ID of the wallet type associated with the data payload
// - fromAccountIndex: The index of the public key to be used for signing
// - dstChainId: The ID of the destination chain
// - payload: The data payload to be signed
function reqSignForData(
bytes32 walletTypeId,
uint256 walletIndex,
bytes32 dstChainId,
bytes memory payload
) internal virtual {
uint256 _fee = calculateFeeForSign(abi.encode(payload));
SignTypes.ZrSignParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrSignParams({
walletTypeId: walletTypeId,
walletIndex: walletIndex,
dstChainId: dstChainId,
payload: payload,
broadcast: false
IZrSign(zrSign).zrSignData{value: _fee}(params);

// Request a signature for a transaction
// This function uses the zrSIgn contract to request a signature for a transaction
// Parameters:
// - walletTypeId: The ID of the wallet type associated with the transaction
// - fromAccountIndex: The index of the account from which the transaction will be sent
// - chainId: The ID of the chain on which the transaction will be executed
// - payload: The RLP-encoded transaction data
// - broadcast: A flag indicating whether the transaction should be broadcasted immediately

function reqSignForTx(
bytes32 walletTypeId,
uint256 walletIndex,
bytes32 dstChainId,
bytes memory payload,
bool broadcast
) internal virtual {
uint256 _fee = calculateFeeForSign(abi.encode(payload));
SignTypes.ZrSignParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrSignParams({
walletTypeId: walletTypeId,
walletIndex: walletIndex,
dstChainId: dstChainId,
payload: payload,
broadcast: broadcast

IZrSign(zrSign).zrSignTx{value: _fee}(params);

function calculateFeeForSign(bytes memory payload)
returns (uint256)
uint256 networkFee = payload.length * IZrSign(zrSign).getNetworkFee();
uint256 totalFee = IZrSign(zrSign).getBaseFee() + networkFee;
return totalFee;

// Get all EVM wallets associated with this contract
// This function uses the zrSIgn contract to get all wallets of the EVM type that belong to this contract
function getEVMWallets() public view virtual returns (string[] memory) {
return IZrSign(zrSign).getZrKeys(EVMWalletType, address(this));

// Get an EVM wallet associated with this contract by index
// This function uses the zrSIgn contract to get a specific EVM wallet that belongs to this contract, specified by an index
// Parameter:
// - index: The index of the EVM wallet to be retrieved
function getEVMWallet(uint256 index) public view returns (string memory) {
return IZrSign(zrSign).getZrKey(EVMWalletType, address(this), index);

// Encode data using RLP
// This function uses the RLPWriter library to encode data into RLP format
function rlpEncodeData(bytes memory data)
returns (bytes memory)
return data.writeBytes();

// Encode a transaction using RLP
// This function uses the RLPWriter library to encode a transaction into RLP format
function rlpEncodeTransaction(
uint256 nonce,
uint256 gasPrice,
uint256 gasLimit,
address to,
uint256 value,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory nb = nonce.writeUint();
bytes memory gp = gasPrice.writeUint();
bytes memory gl = gasLimit.writeUint();
bytes memory t = to.writeAddress();
bytes memory v = value.writeUint();
return _encodeTransaction(nb, gp, gl, t, v, data);

// Helper function to encode a transaction
// This function is used by the rlpEncodeTransaction function to encode a transaction into RLP format
function _encodeTransaction(
bytes memory nonce,
bytes memory gasPrice,
bytes memory gasLimit,
bytes memory to,
bytes memory value,
bytes memory data
) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory zb = uint256(0).writeUint();
bytes[] memory payload = new bytes[](9);
payload[0] = nonce;
payload[1] = gasPrice;
payload[2] = gasLimit;
payload[3] = to;
payload[4] = value;
payload[5] = data;
payload[6] = zb;
payload[7] = zb;
payload[8] = zb;
return payload.writeList();

contract ZrSignTransferETH is ZrSignConnect {
event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint256 amount, uint256 balance);
uint256 internal _gasPrice = 5000000000;
uint256 internal _gasLimit = 250000;
bytes32 internal constant sepoliaChainId =
uint256 internal _nonce = 0;

receive() external payable {
emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value, address(this).balance);

function submitTransaction(
uint256 _fromKeyIndex,
address _to,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory _data
) public {
bytes memory data = rlpEncodeData(_data);
bytes memory rlpTransactionData = rlpEncodeTransaction(

function submitTransaction(
uint256 fromKeyIndex,
address to,
uint256 value,
uint256 gasPrice,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 nonce,
bytes memory data
) public {
bytes memory rlpPayloadData = rlpEncodeData(data);
bytes memory rlpTransactionData = rlpEncodeTransaction(

function submitTransaction(
uint256 fromKeyIndex,
address to,
uint256 value,
uint256 gasPrice,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 nonce,
bytes memory data,
bool broadcast
) public {
bytes memory rlpPayloadData = rlpEncodeData(data);
bytes memory rlpTransactionData = rlpEncodeTransaction(



Lib_RLPWriter is a library used in the context of zrSign to facilitate the encoding of data and transactions. The library is essential for the operation of zrSign, enabling it to securely and accurately serialize and package data in a format suitable for transport and storage.

The library provides methods for encoding various data types, including byte strings, lists, strings, addresses, integers, and booleans. These encoded formats are necessary to ensure compatibility and efficient handling of data within the Ethereum ecosystem, particularly when interacting with external systems or storing data on-chain.

RLP Encoding

RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) is the encoding method used in Ethereum to serialize nested arrays of binary data, and that's exactly what Lib_RLPWriter implements. This library is essential to zrSign's operation due to its ability to handle the complex, nested data structures that are common in blockchain applications.

Library Functions

The library includes various functions, each designed to handle a specific type of data. For instance, writeBytes encodes a byte string, writeList encodes a list of RLP encoded byte strings, writeString encodes a string, writeAddress encodes an address, writeUint encodes a uint256, and writeBool encodes a boolean. These functions ensure that a wide range of data types can be accurately and effectively encoded for use with zrSign.

Refer to rlp library for a more detailed explanation.



The IzrSign interface provides a set of functions that allow users to interact with the zrSign contract:

  • requestPublicKey(bytes32 walletTypeId): This function allows users to request a public key for a given wallet type ID. This function should be payable, meaning Ether can be sent along with the request.
  • requestSignatureForHash(bytes32 walletTypeId, uint256 publicKeyIndex, bytes32 dstChainId, bytes32 payloadHash): This function allows a user to request a signature for a hash. The hash is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index. This function is also payable, allowing Ether to be sent along with the request.
  • requestSignatureForData(bytes32 walletTypeId, uint256 publicKeyIndex, bytes32 dstChainId, bytes memory payload): This function is designed to request a signature for a set of data. The data is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index. This function is also payable.
  • requestSignatureForTransaction(bytes32 walletTypeId, uint256 publicKeyIndex, bytes32 dstChainId, bytes memory payload, bool broadcast): This function allows a user to request a signature for a transaction. The transaction data is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index. If the broadcast flag is true, the transaction will be broadcasted after being signed. This function is also payable.
  • version(): This function returns the version of the contract.
  • isWalletTypeSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId): This function checks if a wallet type is supported by the contract.
  • isChainIdSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId, bytes32 chainId): This function checks if a chain ID is supported for a given wallet type.
  • getFee(): This function returns the fee for operations in the contract.
  • getWallets(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner): This function returns all wallets of a particular type that belong to a certain owner.
  • getWalletByIndex(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner, uint256 index): This function returns the wallet of a specific type and index that belongs to a certain owner.

Refer to IzrSign for a more detailed explanation.

interface IzrSign {
// Request a public key for a given wallet type ID
// This function should be payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function requestPublicKey(bytes32 walletTypeId) external payable;

// Request a signature for a hash
// The hash is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index
// The function is payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function requestSignatureForHash(bytes32 walletTypeId, uint256 publicKeyIndex, bytes32 dstChainId, bytes32 payloadHash) external payable;

// Request a signature for data
// The data is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index
// The function is payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function requestSignatureForData(bytes32 walletTypeId, uint256 publicKeyIndex, bytes32 dstChainId, bytes memory payload) external payable;

// Request a signature for a transaction
// The transaction data is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index
// If the broadcast flag is true, the transaction will be broadcasted after being signed
// The function is payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function requestSignatureForTransaction(bytes32 walletTypeId, uint256 publicKeyIndex, bytes32 dstChainId, bytes memory payload, bool broadcast) external payable;

// Return the version of the contract
function version() external view returns (uint256);

// Check if a wallet type is supported by the contract
function isWalletTypeSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId) external view returns (bool);

// Check if a chain ID is supported for a given wallet type
function isChainIdSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId, bytes32 chainId) external view returns (bool);

// Return the fee for operations in the contract
function getFee() external returns (uint256);

// Return all wallets of a particular type that belong to a certain owner
function getWallets(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner) external view returns (string[] memory);

// Return the wallet of a specific type and index that belongs to a certain owner
function getWalletByIndex(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner, uint256 index) external view returns (string memory);