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zrSign Functions

zrKeyReq Function Overview


The zrKeyReq function is a part of the Sign.sol smart contract and is utilized for requesting specific keys from a designated wallet type in a blockchain environment. This function is crucial for operations that involve secure and verified access to wallet keys based on predefined wallet types.


The zrKeyReq function interacts with wallet-related functionalities by using the ZrKeyReqParams struct to specify the wallet type from which the key is to be retrieved. This function is essential for extracting specific cryptographic keys associated with user wallets, enhancing security and functionality in decentralized applications. The function requires the caller to send an amount of ether equivalent to the base fee for processing the request.


  • ZrKeyReqParams : A struct defined in SignTypes.sol that contains the following field:
    • walletTypeId : A bytes32 identifier that specifies the type of wallet. This identifier is used to fetch the corresponding key.
    • monitoring : A boolean flag outlining if a wallet should be monitored by zenrocks' off-chain systems to provide ease of use.


  • The function may use access control modifiers to ensure that only authorized users can request keys.
  • Each key request requires a transaction fee, equivalent to the fee obtained via estimateFee(), to be sent with the call.

Return Type

  • None

Usage Example

In the following example, the WalletInteraction contract interacts with the Sign contract to request a wallet key. It ensures that the base fee is covered by the transaction.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import "./ISign.sol"; // Importing the contract where `zrKeyReq` is defined
import "./SignTypes.sol"; // Importing the types used by the contract
contract WalletInteraction {

ISign public signContract;
constructor(address _signContractAddress) {
signContract = ISign(_signContractAddress);

// Function to request a key from the wallet
function getKey(bytes32 walletTypeId) external payable {
bool withMonitoring = true;
uint256 zrFee = signContract.estimateFee(withMonitoring);

// Prepare the parameters for the key request
SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams({
walletTypeId: walletTypeId,
monitoring: withMonitoring

// Execute the key request function
signContract.zrKeyReq{value: zrFee}(params);

zrSignHash Function Overview


The zrSignHash function is part of the Sign.sol smart contract and is specifically designed for signing hashes on the blockchain. This function uses parameters from the zrSignParams struct to ensure secure and verified operations across blockchain networks.


The zrSignHash function enables the signing of a hash to verify its integrity and authenticity across different platforms or within blockchain operations. The function is integral to operations requiring secure data verification and authentication through digital signatures. It requires that the hash be in a specific format and size, with checks in place to ensure compliance. Additionally, the function requires a fee to be sent with the request, which is calculated based on the payload length and network conditions.


  • zrSignParams : A struct from SignTypes.sol with the following fields:
    • walletTypeId: Identifier for the wallet type involved in the signing.
    • walletIndex: Index of the wallet which will be signing the hash.
    • dstChainId: Destination chain ID where the hash might be used or verified.
    • payload: Array of bytes containing the hash to be signed, which must be exactly 32 bytes.
    • broadcast: Must be set to false as this function does not handle broadcasting.


  • walletTypeGuard(params.walletTypeId): Ensures the wallet type is onboarded for the signing operation.
  • chainIdGuard(params.walletTypeId, params.dstChainId): Checks the chain ID to ensure the destination chain is onboarded.

Return Type

  • None

Usage Example

Here is an example of interacting with the zrSignHash function, including fee calculation and wallet interactions to fetch the appropriate wallet index:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;

import "./ISign.sol"; // Importing the Sign contract
import "./SignTypes.sol"; // Importing the types used by the Sign contract

contract WalletInteraction {
ISign public signContract;

// keccak256(abi.encode(ChainInfo{purpose:44 coinType: 60}))
bytes32 constant evmWalletTypeId = 0xe146c2986893c43af5ff396310220be92058fb9f4ce76b929b80ef0d5307100a;
// keccak256(abi.encodePacked("eip155:11155111"));
bytes32 constant sepoliaDstChainId = 0xafa90c317deacd3d68f330a30f96e4fa7736e35e8d1426b2e1b2c04bce1c2fb7;

constructor(address _signContractAddress) {
signContract = ISign(_signContractAddress);

// Function to sign a hash
function signHash(bytes32 hash) external payable {
// Fetching the wallet index for the owner
string[] memory keys = signContract.getZrKeys(evmWalletTypeId, address(this));
uint256 walletIndex = keys.length;

// Get fee estimate
uint256 fee = signContract.estimateFee(evmWalletTypeId, address(this), walletIndex);
require(msg.value >= fee, "Insufficient fee sent");

SignTypes.ZrSignParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrSignParams({
walletTypeId: evmWalletTypeId,
walletIndex: walletIndex,
dstChainId: sepoliaDstChainId,
payload: abi.encodePacked(hash),
broadcast: false

// Execute the signing function with the prepared parameters and the required fee
signContract.zrSignHash{value: fee}(params);

zrSignData Function Overview


The zrSignData function is also part of the Sign.sol smart contract, designed to handle the signing of arbitrary data on the blockchain. This function, similar to zrSignHash, employs the zrSignParams struct to ensure secure and compliant operations across blockchain networks, specifically tailored to data other than hashes.


zrSignData facilitates the signing of general data, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of information as it moves or is utilized across different blockchain platforms. This function is crucial for validating transactions, agreements, or any data that requires verified approval through digital signatures. It requires data to be formatted properly before signing and includes fee assessments similar to zrSignHash.


  • zrSignParams: This struct is used to pass necessary information for the signing process:
    • walletTypeId: Identifier for the wallet type involved in the signing.
    • walletIndex: Index of the wallet that will perform the signing.
    • dstChainId: The destination chain ID where the signed data might be used or verified.
    • payload: General data to be signed, provided as an array of bytes.
    • broadcast: Must be set to false as broadcasting is handled in other specific functions.


  • walletTypeGuard(params.walletTypeId): Ensures that only wallets of a certain type can perform the operation.
  • chainIdGuard(params.walletTypeId, params.dstChainId): Validates that the signing operation pertains to the correct blockchain.

Return Type

  • None

Usage Example

Below is a hypothetical example of how to interact with the zrSignData function, including the steps to calculate the necessary fees and determine the wallet index:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;

import "./ISign.sol"; // Importing the Sign contract
import "./SignTypes.sol"; // Importing the types used by the Sign contract

contract WalletInteraction {
ISign public signContract;

// keccak256(abi.encode(ChainInfo{purpose:44 coinType: 60}))
bytes32 constant evmWalletTypeId = 0xe146c2986893c43af5ff396310220be92058fb9f4ce76b929b80ef0d5307100a; // EVM wallet type ID
// keccak256(abi.encodePacked("eip155:11155111"));
bytes32 constant sepoliaDstChainId = 0xafa90c317deacd3d68f330a30f96e4fa7736e35e8d1426b2e1b2c04bce1c2fb7; // Sepolia chain ID

constructor(address _signContractAddress) {
signContract = ISign(_signContractAddress);

// Function to sign data
function signData(bytes memory data) external payable {
// Fetching the wallet index for the owner
string[] memory keys = signContract.getZrKeys(evmWalletTypeId, address(this));
uint256 walletIndex = keys.length;

// Get fee estimate
uint256 fee = signContract.estimateFee(evmWalletTypeId, address(this), walletIndex);
require(msg.value >= fee, "Insufficient fee sent");

SignTypes.ZrSignParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrSignParams({
walletTypeId: evmWalletTypeId,
walletIndex: walletIndex,
dstChainId: sepoliaDstChainId,
payload: data,
broadcast: false

// Execute the signing function with the prepared parameters and the required fee
signContract.zrSignData{value: fee}(params);

zrSignTx OFFchain Encoding Function Overview


The zrSignTx function is a critical component of the Sign.sol smart contract, specifically designed to handle the signing of transactions on the blockchain. This function utilizes the zrSignParams struct to ensure secure and compliant operations across blockchain networks, with particular focus on transactional data.


zrSignTx facilitates the signing of transactions, verifying the integrity and authenticity of transactional data as it moves or is utilized across different blockchain platforms. This function is essential for authorizing transactions, ensuring that they are conducted securely and in accordance with network and contract policies. Unlike the zrSignHash function, zrSignTx also involves the potential for broadcasting the signed transaction based on the parameters provided.


  • zrSignParams: A struct from SignTypes.sol with the following fields:
    • walletTypeId: Identifier for the wallet type involved in the transaction signing.
    • walletIndex: Index of the wallet that will perform the signing.
    • dstChainId: The destination chain ID where the signed transaction might be used or verified.
    • payload: Transaction data to be signed, provided as an array of bytes.
    • broadcast: A boolean flag indicating whether the signed transaction should be broadcast immediately.


  • walletTypeGuard(params.walletTypeId): Ensures that only wallets of a specific type can perform the transaction signing.
  • chainIdGuard(params.walletTypeId, params.dstChainId): Ensures the operation is relevant to the correct blockchain, verifying that the destination chain is properly onboarded.

Return Type

  • None

Usage Example

Below is an example of how to interact with the zrSignTx function, including the steps to calculate the necessary fees and determine the wallet index:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;

import "./ISign.sol"; // Importing the Sign contract
import "./SignTypes.sol"; // Importing the types used by the Sign contract

contract WalletInteraction {
ISign public signContract;

// keccak256(abi.encode(ChainInfo{purpose:44 coinType: 60}))
bytes32 constant evmWalletTypeId = 0xe146c2986893c43af5ff396310220be92058fb9f4ce76b929b80ef0d5307100a; // EVM wallet type ID
// keccak256(abi.encodePacked("eip155:11155111"));
bytes32 constant sepoliaDstChainId = 0xafa90c317deacd3d68f330a30f96e4fa7736e35e8d1426b2e1b2c04bce1c2fb7; // Sepolia chain ID

constructor(address _signContractAddress) {
signContract = ISign(_signContractAddress);

function signTransaction(bytes memory transactionData, bool shouldBroadcast) external payable {
// Fetching the wallet index for the owner
string[] memory keys = signContract.getZrKeys(evmWalletTypeId, address(this));
uint256 walletIndex = keys.length;

// Get fee estimate
uint256 fee = signContract.estimateFee(evmWalletTypeId, address(this), walletIndex);
require(msg.value >= fee, "Insufficient fee sent");

SignTypes.ZrSignParams memory params = SignTypes.ZrSignParams({
walletTypeId: evmWalletTypeId,
walletIndex: walletIndex,
dstChainId: sepoliaDstChainId,
payload: transactionData,
broadcast: shouldBroadcast

// Execute the transaction signing function with the prepared parameters and the required fee
signContract.zrSignTx{value: fee}(params);

estimateFee Functions Overview


A utility function assising the user in estimating how much he needs to pay for a zrSign request and the on-chain response following his request (e.g. returning the user generated key back to the contract).

There are two functions allowing the user to estimate the fee based on the values they have available to them.

Parameters (Option #1):

  • options (uint8): The options field is an enum specifiying the different "modes" of key management. Currently we offer the following:
    • 1: Simple key creation without any added features.
    • 2: Added monitoring to the generated key which inform the off-chain services to keep track and monitor activity. This is useful for chains such as Bitcoin where you need to keep track of UTXO's.
  • value (uint256): The additional value you're planning on passing within the transaction.

NOTE: When estimating key generation then option #1 should be used as you don't have the wallet details listed in option #2.

Parameters (Option #2):

  • walletTypeId (bytes32): A bytes32 identifier that specifies the type of wallet. This identifier is used to fetch the corresponding key.
  • owner (address): The owner of the generated walletwallet
  • walletIndex (uint256): Index of the wallet which will be signing the hash.
  • value (uint256): The additional value you're planning on passing within the transaction.

Return Type

  • mpc fee (uint256) - the fee sent to the MPC's for providing their signing services.
  • network fee (uint256) - The fee for the on-chain transaction that will return the result. This field would also include the additional value if added.
  • total fee (uint256) - The total amount from the mpc and network fees above.