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Interface: IzrSign

This interface describes the expected operations for the zrSign contract. The zrSign contract manages the creation and retrieval of Ethereum wallets, as well as other operations related to wallet management and signatures.



This function requests a public key for a given wallet type ID. This function should be payable to allow sending Ether along with the request.

function zrKeyReq(SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams calldata params) external payable;


This function requests a signature for a hash associated with a specific wallet type and public key index. It should be payable to allow sending Ether along with the request.

function zrSignHash(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;


This function requests a signature for data associated with a specific wallet type and public key index. It should be payable to allow sending Ether along with the request.

function zrSignData(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;


This function requests a signature for a transaction data associated with a specific wallet type and public key index. If the broadcast flag is true, the transaction will be broadcasted after being signed. It should be payable to allow sending Ether along with the request.

    function zrSignTx(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;


This function returns the version of the contract.

function version() external view returns (uint256);


This function checks if a wallet type is supported by the contract.

function isWalletTypeSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId) external view returns (bool);


This function checks if a chain ID is supported for a given wallet type.

function isChainIdSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId, bytes32 chainId) external view returns (bool);


This function returns the identifier that gets incremented for each signing process. .

    function getTraceId() external view returns (uint256);


This function returns the base fee for operations in the contract.

    function getBaseFee() external view returns (uint256);


This function returns the network fee for the underlying protocol.

    function getNetworkFee() external view returns (uint256);


This function returns all wallets of a particular type that belong to a certain owner.

function getZrKeys(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner) external view returns (string[] memory);


This function returns the wallet of a specific type and index that belongs to a certain owner.

function getZrKey(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner, uint256 index) external view returns (string memory);

Full code

interface IZrSign {
// Request a public key for a given wallet type ID
// This function should be payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function zrKeyReq(SignTypes.ZrKeyReqParams calldata params) external payable;

// Request a signature for a hash
// The hash is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index
// The function is payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function zrSignHash(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;

// Request a signature for data
// The data is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index
// The function is payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function zrSignData(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;

// Request a signature for a transaction
// The transaction data is associated with a specific wallet type and public key index
// If the broadcast flag is true, the transaction will be broadcasted after being signed
// The function is payable to allow sending Ether along with the request
function zrSignTx(SignTypes.ZrSignParams calldata params) external payable;

// Check if a wallet type is supported by the contract
function isWalletTypeSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId) external view returns (bool);

// Check if a chain ID is supported for a given wallet type
function isChainIdSupported(bytes32 walletTypeId, bytes32 chainId) external view returns (bool);

// Returns the identifier that gets incremented for each signing process
function getTraceId() external view returns (uint256);

// Returns how the fee for the requests is calculated
function getBaseFee() external view returns (uint256);

// Returns the network fee of the underlying protocol
function getNetworkFee() external view returns (uint256);

// Returns all wallets of a particular type that belong to a certain owner
function getZrKeys(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner) external view returns (string[] memory);

// Returns the wallet of a specific type and index that belongs to a certain owner
function getZrKey(bytes32 walletTypeId, address owner, uint256 index) external view returns (string memory);