📄️ Setup
Welcome to the documentation for transferring ROCK between Sei and zrChain. This page shows the process of using MetaMask as well as Keplr through the app.sei.io webpage and further highlights common errors.
📄️ SEI EVM to Zenrock
1. First, head to https://go.skip.build/. Here, select ROCK from SEI EVM as the source and Zenrock Mainnet as the destination. Make sure that Skip displays the same balance as in the previous step. Enter the amount you want to transfer.
📄️ Zenrock to SEI EVM
Steps to Transfer ROCK from Zenrock Mainnet to Sei EVM
📄️ Troubleshooting
Transferring ROCK between Sei and zrChain can sometimes be tricky. Here are some common issues and how to fix them.