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Transfer Zenrock Mainnet to Sei EVM

Steps to Transfer ROCK from Zenrock Mainnet to Sei EVM

  1. Ensure you have ROCK on Zenrock Mainnet. You can see this in the Keplr wallet under ‘available balances’.

Keplr Wallet Balances

  1. Initiate a transfer: Head to Skip Build to initiate a transfer from ROCK to Sei EVM. Select the desired amount to send and confirm the addresses match with the ones from Sei App.

Skip zrChain Init

  1. Confirm the IBC transaction: In Keplr, wait momentarily until the transaction has succeeded on Skip and Zenrock.

Skip zrchain Confirm

  1. Verify funds: Check that the balances have changed on Sei App to confirm that the funds have arrived on Sei.

Skip zrChain Success